The Christmas Tag!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

I love Christmas time! The festiveness and holiday cheer everywhere you look really makes this the greatest time of year. Since Christmas is almost two weeks away I thought it would be fitting to do the Christmas tag!

1. When do you start getting excited about Christmas?
Honestly, I get excited about Christmas the day after Halloween, but I do restrain myself from decorating until the day after Thanksgiving.

2. Do you still have advent calendars?
I do! My mom has had the same advent calendar for me and my sister all of our lives. My mom fills each day with candy and my sister gets the odd days and I get the even.

3. What are your favorite Christmas films?
My favorites are definitely Christmas Vacation and The Santa Clause.

4. Do you have any funny Christmas memories?
I do but I feel like everything with my family is an inside joke, so if I told you it'd take too long to explain.

5. What is your typical Christmas Day like?
My family's typical Christmas Day is pretty mellow. My mom makes homemade cinnamon rolls, we open gifts, chill all day, and then have Christmas dinner.

6. What do you eat for Christmas dinner?
Well, for Christmas Eve we eat tamales and for Christmas dinner we have ham.

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
My family's only Christmas traditions are the holiday treats we bake, all of our decorations, and the holiday movies we watch.

8. Which are your favorite Christmas songs?
No other song gets me in the Christmas spirit and puts a smile on my face other then All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey!

9. What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
I don't have a specific best Christmas present but I think the best ones were when I was little and still believed in Santa.

10. Real or fake Christmas?
I do love real Christmas trees but we have all fake trees in our house.

15 days until Christmas!!