What's Your Personality Type?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I stumbled upon something interesting this week on Pinterest. It was a pin from celebritytypes.com where you answer a series of questions to find out what your personality type is and what famous people also have that personality type. After taking the test, I was told that my personality type was INFP, which is said to be: 

"Idealistic, imaginative, and passionate, you have a strong sense of your personal values and ideals and you tend to feel ill at ease in situations where you have to compromise these ideals due to external demands. You are very sensitive to the dictates of your own imagination and conscience and by default, you dearly want to give others space to be who they are. Thoughtful and considerate, you most likely find it easy to accept society's eccentrics and misfits without rendering judgment. Open and tolerant, you dislike prejudice and stereotypes and you are sometimes liable to give people the benefit of the doubt in situations where others think that "you should know better." Because of your idealism, you may sometimes neglect to give yourself enough credit for the things you accomplish or to speak up for yourself in relationships and groups. Your challenge in life is to balance authenticity with practicality and find a way to be true to yourself and yet live in harmony with the world around you." 

I completely agree with my results and believe that my personality type was spot on. The people that hold the INFP personality are apart of the visionaries in the world but are specifically the dreamers. We look at the world with a sense of wonder and everything we do has meaning to us. I am an artistic and creative person who has a way of seeing things differently then most people. I am sensitive and like a true artist, I am my toughest critic. I believe in the underdog and that anything is possible. I always fight for what is right and stand up for my beliefs. I do tend to dwell on the past a lot but I always look forward to the future and try to learn from my mistakes. But what I believe to be one of the best parts on my personality type is that I put my whole heart in everything I do, which is both a blessing and a curse.

I encourage you all to take this quiz, leave me a comment down below with what you got as a personality type, and let me know if you believe your quiz results were right?

1 comment:

  1. Wow those results were really spot on for me too. I got ISFJ.
